Have you fallen in love with a narcissist and don’t know how to leave?Are you obsessing with the “idealised self” and is it impacting your relationships today? With the increase in mobile phone ‘selfies’ and the ‘selfie stick’, also known as the “narcissi stick”, it’s not surprising narcissistic traits are becoming more evident today.
Are you addicted to porn?
If you watch porn regularly it’s likely you will lose the ability to fantasise and could experience difficulty in climaxing or maintaining an erection.
Ron Garreti in his TED talk says he stopped watching porn, as he believed he was taking part in filmed prostitution with male domination of women and he found his emotional health was suffering.
Do Men Endure Loneliness Quietly?
Loneliness affects everyone. It’s at the heart of what it means to be human – to be in the world with others and yet still feel utterly alone. Existentialists would regard loneliness as being intrinsic to what it means to be human and has a purpose – to discover and accept who we are while coming to terms with our own limitations and need for personal connection.
Are Childhood Wounds Driving How You Live Your Life?
Childhood wounding can happen as part of growing up and is usually attributed to important influential relationships such as parents and siblings. Wounds include the loss of a parent or both, a parent who is critical, demanding, judgemental; abuse…
Dreams – The Meeting Between the Waking and Sleeping Worlds
Are you a dreamer? Do you remember your dreams and do you desperately try to understand them when they don’t make sense? Some people dream intensely and remember the details while others don’t think they dream or forget them once they wake up.